About Us

About us

Oricle Synergy provides professional Training and Consultancy to bring world-class performance to the supply, control, storage and transportation activities for materials, equipment, construction and services required by organisations through the development and implementation of strategies, techniques, processes and systems.

Oricle Synergy collaborates innovatively with clients to help them develop into high-performance businesses and organizations. With extensive industry and business process expertise, broad global resources, and a proven track record, Oricle Synergy has the qualified and experienced people, skills, and technologies to help our clients improve their long-term performance.

Oricle Synergy is committed to maintaining the highest quality standards and delivering customer service excellence.

Oricle Synergy will be the centre of excellent training and development programmes and consultancy setting the benchmarks of the industry.

Our mission is to provide world-class training and consulting services for the development and implementation of strategies, techniques, processes, and systems. We endeavour to bring world-class performance to the purchasing, contracting, planning, storage, transportation, projects, and operational activities for materials, equipment, construction, and services that are required by our clients.

It is our objective to excel in each of the following categories:

  • Customer Satisfaction as measured by improvement in the results of customer satisfaction surveys and feedback
  • Services which are proactive and responsive to the requirements of the industry
  • Instructors and consultants that are of the highest calibre and known to be key leaders of their industry
  • A working environment of productive and progressive workforce bounded by team spirit, innovation, and goal achievement
  • Highly efficient and effective administrative operations using globally certified quality management best practices.

We at Oricle Synergy uphold:

  • Honour – We uphold uncompromising integrity by demonstrating loyalty, honesty, and ethical behavior in all of our transactions. We accomplish this by placing the success of our business, its people, and our customers ahead of any personal gain.
  • Excellence – We strive to achieve continuous improvement in our organization and ourselves to deliver the highest quality services and top of the line programmes.
  • Responsibility – We provide and maintain constant credibility by consistently delivering on our commitments, admitting to our mistakes, and being held accountable for our performance.
  • Customer Satisfaction – We work with high-energy, enthusiasm, the desire to exceed our customers expectations.
  • Innovation – We will provide our valued clients with the means to continuously improve their ability to efficiently and effectively implement best practices.
  • Mutual Relationships – We understand the success of our company is directly related to the success of our client partners.


  • Use of broad global resources
  • The ability to facilitate innovative thinking and exchange of ideas
  • Skill to develop client-specific strategies
  • A strong value of client loyalty which increases value to clients
  • The ability to respond flexibly to diverse client needs that allow for a primary focus on activities/offerings that advance the careers and skills of our clients’ employees
  • Ability to provide expertise across diverse industries from oil/gas, to manufacturing, finance, military, and government
  • Ability to provide real-world solutions to current real-world issues